Apostille of The Hague Convention

The Apostille is an international legalisation issued by the countries signatories of The Hague Convention of 1961, so that public and/or private documents from the issuing country are valid abroad.

Documents issued at consular representations cannot be apostilled.

Argentina and the United Kingdom, among others, are signatories of the Convention.

To request an Apostille on documents issued by British authorities, visit https://www.gov.uk/get-document-legalised

To request an Apostille on documents issued by Argentine authorities, you can contact Colegios Notariales (Associations of Notaries) in Argentina, Cancillería or the Consulate (this option is only availble for those who live in the UK and do NOT hold a fiscal code to apply for an Apostille online).

To request an Apostille on documents issued by countries other than Argentina or the UK, please contact the relevant authorities of the issuing country.


To request an Apostille, either from Cancillería or from the Consulate, please first read the information on https://www.cancilleria.gob.ar/es/servicios/servicios/apostilla-legaliza.

If requesting it from the Consulate, please send an email to notarialesclond@mrecic.gov.ar and share a link containing your DNI (Argentinians) or passport (other nationalities) and a high-quality, scanned copy (NOT pictures NOR mobile phone-scanned copies), in the original colour of the original document for which you need an Apostille. If requesting Apostilles for more than one document, each document must be scanned separately. In addition, mention how many Apostilles you need for each document. Please, do NOT send attachments.

**If you have already requested the Apostille from Cancillería through the TAD platform and need to accelerate the process, you can sned us an amil including the file number (expediente TAD number), and full name and ID number fo the holder of the document and of the person requesting the Apostille.


The Consulate will submit your document to Cancillería and, if compliant, the applicant must pay both the Apostille and the consular assistance, for each Apostille requested.

**If you have asked the Consulate to accelerate the TAD processing times, you will be charged a consular assistance fee for each Apostille requested BEFORE the Consulate intervenes. Afterwards, once you receive the Apostilles, you will have to pay for them through the TAD platform.

Payment should be made through bank transfer or debit card. The exact amount will be indicated by email.


Although the processing times are shorter when requesting an Apostille from the Consulate, it is Cancillería who issued the Apostilles and thererefore, the Consulate cannot intervene in the processing times.

Apostilles requested directly to the Consulate will be emailed to the interested party upon reception. In contrast, those who request Apostilles through the TAD platfom and ask the Consulate to accelarate the processing times, must follow the process through the platform, as the Consulate will not receive any notification.

**Only when documents to be submitted before Argentine authorities have been issued by countries NOT signatories of The Hague Convention , said documents can be legalised by the Argentine Consulate operating in the issuing country.