Is there a way of accessing/viewing files in an iOS app's shared group location from a Mac?

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Created Sep ’23 Participants 2

My goal is to try and get a unified logging system set up where logging from an iOS app and its extensions (primarily a notification service extension) get written into one central repository.

So I was planning on setting up CocoaLumberjack in the app and the extension to use the same file path/name, adding the group capability to the app and the extensions and specifying the shared group directory as the file path.

By default, for an app, CocoaLumberjack writes its files to:

On a Mac using an application such as iExplorer the above file and be located and viewed and copied etc.

For an extension, it writes them to:

Now if I configure Cocoalumberjack to instead write the logger file to the shared group directory, then that will be at:

However its not possible using iExplorer to access this location. Using a Mac connected to the iPhone, is there an app or tool etc., that will enable me to locate the log file if it's created in the above AppGroup location?